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来源:今日招聘 | 发布时间:2021-06-24 11:44:26 |  访问:568

assistant professor in data-driven cell and molecular biology

chalmers university of technology


information about the position

we are looking to fill the position as ddls fellow in data driven cell and molecular biology.

the subject area concerns research that fundamentally transforms our knowledge about how cells function by peering into their molecular components in time and space, from single molecules to native tissue environments. this research subject area aims to lead the development or application of novel data-driven methods relying on machine learning, artificial intelligence, or other computational techniques to analyze, integrate and make sense of cell and molecular data.

within chalmers, interdisciplinary interactions and industrial collaborations indata driven cell and molecular biologyare further facilitated by the cross-departmental area of advance health engineering, the strategic initiative of the chalmers ai research centre (chair), and the competence centres formulaex and medtechwest. the chalmers research environment is supported by common infrastructure resources for mass spectrometry, bioinformatics and e-infrastructure, all providing further contact to national research infrastructures. chalmers is also part of the national wallenberg ai, autonomous systems and software program (wasp).

regionally, there are strong collaborations with the university of gothenburg (e.g. shared departments in mathematics and computer science), and the sahlgrenska university hospital. the regional collaboration facilitates access to further research infrastructures within cellular imaging, experimental biomedicine, proteomics, as well as biobank materials. chalmers has a broad industrial network with relevance for the position. astrazeneca, located in gothenburg, is an established partner in the formulaex centre, a high- resolution nanosims instrument, and staff mobility programs, among others.

generic description of the ddls fellows programthe scilifelab and wallenberg national program for data-driven life science (ddls) is a 12-year initiative funded with a total of 3,1 billion sek from the knut and alice wallenberg foundation. the purpose of the program is to recruit and train the next-generation of data-driven life scientists and to create globally leading computational and data science capabilities in life science in sweden.

the program will recruit 39 eminent young group leaders as ddls fellows, launch over 210 postdoctoral positions and establish a research school for 260 phds, within both academia and industry. the program is coordinated by scilifelab, a nationwide research infrastructure and a hub for cross- disciplinary life sciences. the fellows will be recruited to the 11 participating host universities/organizations, enabling them to link up with strong local research environments as well as with the national ddls program. the ddls program promotes collaborative interdisciplinary work and engagement with industry, healthcare and other national and international partners, such as wasp, with the aim of bridging the life science and data science communities.

the ddls program will focus on four strategic areas of data-driven research: cell and molecular biology, evolution and biodiversity, precision medicine and diagnostics, epidemiology and infection biology. we are now looking for the first 20 young group leaders to join us as ddls fellows.

each ddls fellow will receive a recruitment package of 17 msek, which is meant to cover 5 years of their own salary, two phd students and two postdoc positions, as well as running costs. the fellow positions are tenure-track, and the universities/organizations will assume the long-term responsibility of their support as tenured faculty.

the future of life science is data-driven. will you be leading that change with us? then apply now!

major responsibilitiesthe successful candidate will conduct research in line with the intentions described in your application. we want you to complement rather than duplicate our existing competences, and that you have an ambition to create synergies between our existing research groups.

as an assistant professor, you will contribute with: - active engagement in research, developing a distinct line of research through independent research projects. - active participation in education. - supervising undergraduate and graduate students. - applying for external research funding. - participating in joint departmental and university-wide activities. - seeking international collaborations on a high scientific level. - collaborating with research groups within and outside of chalmers.position summarythe appointment as assistant professor is a four-year entry-level faculty position with tenure track, whereby the employee has the opportunity to acquire both pedagogical and scientific qualifications. an assistant professor is expected to improve their ability to formulate and solve scientific problems, to publish scientific articles, and to develop abilities in teaching and supervision, by means of both practical training and independent study. the aim is to achieve the level of associate professor within four years and if successful you will be offered a permanent faculty position at chalmers.

qualificationswe are looking for candidates who are interested in building a research group and attracting external funding and who are interested in research and education. you are open-minded and interested in collaborating across borders within and outside chalmers. interest in and experience from teaching and supervision as well as a post-doctoral or equivalent stay at an institution other than the one where the phd was awarded are considered merits. teamwork, leadership, organizational and entrepreneurial skills are advantages.

you have: - a doctoral degree in a relevant field, not older than 7 years. exceptions will be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave. - performed high-quality research. - demonstrated ability to establish national and international collaborations. - good communication skills, both written and verbal, in english.

chalmers continuously strives to be an attractive employer. equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at chalmers.

our offer to youchalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the dynamic city of gothenburg. our aim is to actively improve the gender balance in our faculty. we therefore strongly encourage female applicants for our positions. as an employee at chalmers, you are given the opportunity to contribute to our active work within the field of equality and diversity. we are working broadly with equality projects, for example the genie initiative on gender equality for excellence.

read more about working at chalmers and our benefits for employees.

application procedurethe application should be marked with ref 20210282 and written in english. the application should be sent electronically and be attached as pdf-files, as below:

cv:(please name the document as: cv, family name, ref. number) • cv, include complete list of publications • previous teaching and pedagogical experiences • other, for example previous employments or leadership qualifications and positions of trust • documents verifying your doctoral degree, awards & recognitions, continuing education and others relevant to support your application • two references that we can contact

personal letter:(please name the document as: personal letter, family name, ref. number)1-3 pages where you: • introduce yourself • describe your previous and planned research

publications:• copies of your most relevant publications in full format (maximum of five publications), as a pdf or zip file. • copies of a maximum of five other publications that support your other qualifications (for example, educational publications and popular science articles).

please use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form. the files may be compressed (zipped).

application deadline: 5th september 2021 for questions, please contact members of the recruitment group:ann-sofie cans, director of the area of advance health engineering dag wedelin, department of computer science and engineering ross king, department of biology and biological engineering tomas mckelvey, department of electrical engineering

推荐:更多瑞典查尔姆斯理工大学数据驱动-细胞和分子生物学博士后职位 请关注 今日招聘官方微信公众号


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